Heart Health Education

Take time to explore heart health tips and education offerings. Our goal is to improve knowledge and self-management skills for community members with cardiovascular risk factors.

Keep Your Heart Healthy and Learn Early Heart Attack Care

Did you know? Most heart damage can occur within the first two hours of a heart attack. Early Heat Attack Care (EHAC) encourages you to know the subtle signs of a heart attack and act on them – BEFORE HEART DAMAGE OCCURS!

Signs of a heart attack can include: 

  • feeling of fullness
  • chest pressure
  • squeezing
  • aching or burning
  • pain in the back, jaw or that travels down one or both arms 
  • excessive fatigue or weakness
  • nausea or vomiting
  • anxiety


Call 9-1-1 if you suspect someone is having a heart attack or if someone collapses.

Perform Hands-Only CPR and Find and deploy an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) if available.

Take Time to Learn Hands-Only CPR

Our hands can do so many things, the most important of which may be saving someone’s life.

Dial 9-1-1

Push Hard & Fast

Are you at risk for life-changing cardiovascular problems?

Discover Educational Offerings

Heart Smarts Class

2nd Thursday of the Month

2 PM – held virtually on Zoom

The class will help you better understand cardiovascular disease, your cardiac risk factors and ways to lower your risk for developing cardiovascular disease.

Topics include:

  • Importance of healthy lifestyle changes
  • Warning signs of a heart attack and appropriate action steps
  • High blood pressure, stress management, diabetes, nutrition, and physical activity
urogynecology patient

In addition to the classes offered by Lakeland Regional Health, Polk County  and Hillsborough County Fire Rescue public education officers provide training classes on topics that include hands only CPR, fire safety, severe weather awareness, disaster preparedness and emergency 9-1-1.

To find out more about heart disease in our community,
view our Community Health Needs Assessment.