Life After Bariatric Surgery

Congratulations on taking such an important step toward a healthier life!

Bariatric surgery is a major event in a patient’s life, marking a new beginning. Life following surgery is not all easy, but we want to ensure that you are successful. Surgery with good aftercare and lifestyle changes can offer long-term results for health and weight.

What to expect following Bariatric Surgery:

  • You will spend a day or two in the Medical Center following your procedure.
  • You will receive a nutrition plan for you to follow. This may include a liquid diet or pureed foods.
  • Fluid intake is important.
  • You also will be expected to take daily vitamin supplements.
  • A physical activity plan will be outline for you.
  • You may need your medication doses adjusted after your surgery. Your physician can offer guidance on this.
  • You will have long-term follow-up visits for obesity management.
  • Share your journey and receive support during our virtual Bariatric Support Groups.